Photo: Erik Scheel/CC0 BY SA, Pexels February 12, 2018 Popular Nutrition Program for Farmers and Families at Risk in 2018 Farm Bill (Correction) Sarah Reinhardt Former Contributor
USDA January 19, 2018 3 Reasons Why the Trump USDA’s School Nutrition Rollbacks Should Worry You—and What You Can Do About It Sarah Reinhardt Former Contributor
Photo: Rick Obst/CC by 2.0, Flickr December 20, 2017 What's in the Nutrition Title of the (Food and) Farm Bill? Sarah Reinhardt Former Contributor
November 21, 2017 Thanksgiving Dinner Is Cheapest in Years, But Are Family Farms Paying the Price? Sarah Reinhardt Former Contributor
Sarah Reinhardt October 27, 2017 For This DC School, Every Month is Farm to School Month Sarah Reinhardt Former Contributor
Cristie Guevara/public domain (BY CC0 October 17, 2017 USDA Reorganization Sidelines Dietary Guidelines Sarah Reinhardt Former Contributor
Photo: public domain September 29, 2017 Happy 40th, SNAP! Celebrating Four Decades of Effective Nutrition Assistance Sarah Reinhardt Former Contributor
USDA September 20, 2017 Free Lunches in New York City Public Schools Are a Win for Kids—and Technology Sarah Reinhardt Former Contributor
USDA July 17, 2017 Build the Wall and Blame the Poor: Checking Rep. King’s Statements on Food Stamps Sarah Reinhardt Former Contributor
Photo: CSIRO/CC BY SA July 7, 2017 How Trump’s Trade Talks (and Tweets) Got Sickeningly Sweet Sarah Reinhardt Former Contributor
Photo: wisley/CC BY SA (Flickr) May 23, 2017 If It Ain’t Broke, Defund It: Trump’s Budget Writes Off SNAP—and With It His Supporters Sarah Reinhardt Former Contributor
Photo: USDA May 1, 2017 From Soup to Nuts: Science-based Recommendations for FDA's "Healthy" Label Sarah Reinhardt Former Contributor
April 3, 2017 Trump Administration Claims 'No Evidence' Afterschool Programs and Meals Work. Actually, There's Plenty. Sarah Reinhardt Former Contributor
Photo: Marco Verch/BY-SA (Flickr) March 16, 2017 Helping the FDA Define "Healthy" Food Labels Sarah Reinhardt Former Contributor