ALEX PROIMOS/FLICKR July 1, 2022 Children Will Suffer the Consequences of Recent Supreme Court Rulings Derrick Z. Jackson Fellow
Children's Environmental Health Network October 8, 2020 On Children’s Environmental Health Day: A Checklist for Defending Science and Protecting Kids Genna Reed Former Staff
Jeff Vanuga/NRCS September 25, 2020 EPA Chlorpyrifos Assessment: A Harbinger of Restricted Science Rule Havoc Genna Reed Former Staff
Photo: Alexandra Koch/Pixabay July 10, 2020 As Schools Plead for COVID-19 Safety Information, White House Politicizes CDC Guidance Genna Reed Former Staff
US Senate June 16, 2020 How Safe Are Children’s Products? It Might Depend on Trump’s Next Nominee to the Consumer Product Safety Commission Gretchen Goldman President of UCS
Shutterstock March 4, 2020 Bettina Elias Siegel’s “Kid Food” Explains My Daughter’s Love Affair with a Fast Food Chain Rebecca Boehm Former Contributor
Photo: Pixabay February 20, 2020 Let the Children Breathe Particulate Matter: How the Trump Administration’s Polluted Policies Are Hurting Children Derrick Z. Jackson Fellow
USDA/Lance Cheung February 18, 2020 From School Lunch to SNAP, New Attacks on Kids’ Health and Nutrition Karen Perry Stillerman Deputy Director
Amanda Mills/USCDCP February 14, 2020 The Trump Administration’s Disappointing Efforts to Prevent Lead Poisoning in Children Anita Desikan Former Staff
Chandra Oh/Unsplash February 13, 2020 Are Your Children Vaping? On Vaping and a Need for Science-Based Policy Jacob Carter Former Contributor
Photo: Ktorbeck/Wikimedia February 11, 2020 Asbestos, Ubiquitous and Avoidable, Is a Deadly Threat to Our Kids Derrick Z. Jackson Fellow
Anthony Eyring/UCS February 11, 2020 Dark Rhymes for Dark Times: New Storybook Illustrates Threats to Children’s Health Gretchen Goldman President of UCS
Photo: AP Photo/Scott Smith February 11, 2020 The Trump Administration’s Attacks on Science Are Putting Kids in Harm’s Way Genna Reed Former Staff
The EPA's Clean Air Act standards protect the health of all Americans, especially our children. Photo: USEPA/Flickr February 11, 2020 Ask a Scientist: How Trump Administration Policies Harm Children Elliott Negin Former Contributor
Public domain July 22, 2019 Our Children Deserve Better: Trump’s EPA Refuses to Ban Brain-Damaging Pesticide. Again. Kathleen Rest Former Executive Director
US Customs and Border Patrol July 9, 2019 Psychologists and Pediatricians Know that Families Belong Together: A Call to Action UCS Science Network
Photo: John and Christina/CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 (Flickr) May 16, 2019 A Stroller Debacle at CPSC Politicizes Child Safety and I Have No Chill Genna Reed Former Staff
Trish Sheehan/Moms Clean Air Force October 19, 2018 Fighting for Facts and Family: What Will We Tell Our Kids? Gretchen Goldman President of UCS
Photo: CMRF Crumlin/Flickr October 11, 2018 Sidelining Science Hurts Children Jacob Carter Former Contributor
Photo: mike dupris/CC BY 2.0 (Flickr) January 30, 2018 What the Science Tells Us About Making Football Safer This CTE Awareness Day Genna Reed Former Staff
Richard Leeming/Flickr March 30, 2017 Disregarding Science, Trump Administration Trades Kids’ Brains for Dow Profit Karen Perry Stillerman Deputy Director