Photo: BLM Oregon June 5, 2019 Scientists Advocating for Climate Action in Oregon: Why we are stepping up and speaking out UCS Science Network
November 14, 2017 Water in an Uncertain Future: Planning the New Normal Adrienne Alvord Former Contributor
August 21, 2017 Going in the Wrong Direction: We Need More Advice on the Impacts of Climate Change Andrew Rosenberg Former Contributor
January 31, 2017 The Navy Understands Climate Change Is a Grave National Security Issue – Will the Nominee for Secretary of the Navy? Shana Udvardy Senior Climate Resilience Policy Analyst
A view of the Sacramento River after multiple days of heavy rain in early January 2017. Source: James Daisa/Flickr Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic License. January 25, 2017 California Floods Remind Us To Make Agricultural Water Conservation a Top Priority Andrea Basche Former contributor
March 31, 2016 Is Soil a Secret Weapon? On Agriculture and Climate Adaptation Andrea Basche Former contributor
August 27, 2015 On Katrina, My Family, And Knowing The Big One Was Coming Roberto Mera Former contributor
August 21, 2015 Crazy Hot Days, Crazy Warm Nights: A New Study on Climate Change in California’s Central Valley Roberto Mera Former contributor
December 2, 2014 Interstellar: Climate Change and the Evolution of Cli-Fi Movies Roberto Mera Former contributor
November 12, 2014 The Bering Sea Bomb and the Polar Vortex in our Warming World Roberto Mera Former contributor
June 30, 2014 Heat and Humidity, Climate Change, and the Future of the World Cup Roberto Mera Former contributor
May 20, 2014 Climate Change is Putting Iconic Historic Sites and National Parks at Growing Risk Adam Markham Former Staff