USGAO September 9, 2020 How an Upcoming USDA Rule Would Jeopardize the Safety of Poultry Workers Anita Desikan Former Staff
Duncan C/Flickr March 27, 2020 Three Ways the Coronavirus Crisis Is Also a Food Crisis Karen Perry Stillerman Deputy Director
Waterkeeper Alliance Inc./Flickr May 17, 2018 Sonny Perdue’s USDA Is in Bed with Big Pork. That’s Really Bad for Everyone Else. Karen Perry Stillerman Deputy Director
November 22, 2013 Talking Turkey: Saying “No Thanks” to the Poultry Rule This Thanksgiving Deborah Bailin Former contributor
November 20, 2012 The Long and Short of Long-Term Safety Testing of GE Foods (part 2) Doug Gurian-Sherman Former contributor
November 15, 2012 Is the Long-Term Safety of Genetically Engineered Food Settled? Not by a Long Shot. Doug Gurian-Sherman Former contributor
November 2, 2012 A Contrary Perspective on the AAAS Board Statement Against Labeling of Engineered Foods Doug Gurian-Sherman Former contributor
March 7, 2012 Survey: Despite Progress, FDA Scientists Feel Political and Industry Pressure Francesca Grifo Former contributor