December 1, 2016 Science and the Politics of Fracking—and What’s Ahead Yogin Kothari Former Contributor
January 25, 2016 Oil and Gas: What We Know is Concerning, but What We Don’t is Worse UCS Science Network
June 5, 2015 Is Fracking Safe Now? What the EPA’s Fracking and Drinking Water Study Really Says Gretchen Goldman President of UCS
April 6, 2015 Fracking in Colorado: Did the Oil and Gas Taskforce Finish Its Tasks? Gretchen Goldman President of UCS
January 28, 2015 An Opportunity to Protect Our Drinking Water: Overseeing Fracking and Closing Loopholes Gretchen Goldman President of UCS
January 16, 2015 Three Ways Citizens United Helped Undermine Science Policy Debates Gretchen Goldman President of UCS
September 10, 2014 The Colorado Oil and Gas Task Force: Still a Chance for Science to Inform Fracking Policy Gretchen Goldman President of UCS
August 8, 2014 The Colorado Hydraulic Fracturing Deal: Amidst Politics, A Chance for Science Gretchen Goldman President of UCS
July 16, 2014 Fracking, Chemicals, and Our Health: EPA Considers a Hydraulic Fracturing Chemical Disclosure Rule Gretchen Goldman President of UCS
April 1, 2014 President Obama’s Plan to Cut Methane Emissions Will Help Reduce Climate Risks of Natural Gas Steve Clemmer Director of Energy Research & Analysis
February 5, 2014 Fracking around the Web: New Findings, New Laws, Not-so-new Questions Deborah Bailin Former contributor
December 20, 2013 How Disclosure Changed a Conversation on Fracking (And Why that Matters) Gretchen Goldman President of UCS
November 20, 2013 New CREW Report on Fracking Industry Contributions to Congressional Candidates Deborah Bailin Former contributor
November 6, 2013 Colorado Towns Pass Fracking Moratoria, Bans Despite Big Spending by the Oil and Gas Industry Gretchen Goldman President of UCS
November 5, 2013 Congress Wants to Keep the Feds Out of Fracking: Bad Idea Andrew Rosenberg Former Contributor
October 28, 2013 Convenient Science for Hire: the American Council on Science and Health Puts the Cart before the Horse Gretchen Goldman President of UCS
October 10, 2013 Fracking and Community Action: Make Your Voice Heard! Andrew Rosenberg Former Contributor
October 3, 2013 Fracking and My Community’s Socioeconomic Stability: Will My Boomtown Go Bust? Deborah Bailin Former contributor
September 26, 2013 Fracking and My Community’s Air Quality: Is There Something in the Air? Gretchen Goldman President of UCS
September 13, 2013 Fracking and My Community’s Water: What Do We Know or When Will We Know It? Andrew Rosenberg Former Contributor
September 13, 2013 Is Fracking Safe? What Science Can and Cannot Tell Us About Risk Gretchen Goldman President of UCS
September 10, 2013 Survey Says? Forum Attendees Shed Light on the Public’s Discussion on Hydraulic Fracturing Deborah Bailin Former contributor