November 15, 2018 As Congress Revives its Oversight Responsibilities, Science Should Be on the Agenda Michael Halpern Former Contributor
June 22, 2018 Department of Interior Buries Communications Policy After Attempting to Justify Muzzling Scientists Michael Halpern Former Contributor
November 13, 2015 The FDA Released a Long-Awaited Social Media Policy—and It’s Impressive Gretchen Goldman President of UCS
August 4, 2015 Communicating Science: Barriers Journalists Face at Government Agencies Deborah Bailin Former contributor
April 9, 2015 Access Denied? A Survey of Science Writers Sponsored by the Society of Professional Journalists and the Union of Concerned Scientists Deborah Bailin Former contributor
March 31, 2015 Censorship of Government Scientists Spreads to the United Kingdom Michael Halpern Former Contributor
December 18, 2014 Interior Department Updates Scientific Integrity Policy and Creates Handbook Michael Halpern Former Contributor
December 3, 2014 Canadian Unions to Bargain for Scientific Integrity Reform Michael Halpern Former Contributor
October 21, 2014 800+ Scientists Urge Greater Freedoms for Canadian Government Experts Michael Halpern Former Contributor
October 8, 2014 Want to Talk to a Scientist in Canada? Don't Look to the Federal Government Michael Halpern Former Contributor
October 1, 2014 Combatting Panic: Ebola, the CDC, and Crisis Communication Gretchen Goldman President of UCS
April 30, 2014 After Doubling Down on Scientific Integrity, EPA Ditches Its Science Advisor Michael Halpern Former Contributor
January 24, 2014 West Virginia Scientists to EPA, CDC: Allow Your Scientists to Speak Michael Halpern Former Contributor
January 21, 2014 Is the Water Safe? The West Virginia Chemical Spill and the Importance of Scientists’ Speaking to the Media Gretchen Goldman President of UCS
May 15, 2013 Towards Open Access to Government Science: The Obama Administration Takes Some Important Steps Gretchen Goldman President of UCS
May 9, 2013 Margaret Atwood on the Muzzling of Canadian Government Scientists Michael Halpern Former Contributor
April 29, 2013 #ScioDC: A Conversation on Scientists, Government, and Social Media This Week Gretchen Goldman President of UCS
March 15, 2013 Four Hours after UCS Report Release, United States Geological Survey Takes a Step Forward Michael Halpern Former Contributor
March 14, 2013 Freedom to Tweet: Grading Social Media Policies in the Federal Government Michael Halpern Former Contributor
March 14, 2013 Can Journalists and Bloggers Report on Science when Access to Federal Scientists is Still a Challenge? Francesca Grifo Former contributor
July 6, 2012 Fish and Wildlife Service Scientists Get Some Clarity on Communicating With the Press Michael Halpern Former Contributor
December 7, 2011 On Scientific Integrity, NOAA Succeeds; Now, It’s Time for the White House to Lead Francesca Grifo Former contributor