Photo: sharply_done/iStockphoto November 17, 2020 As the Trump Administration’s Tiny Windows Close, Giant Doors Open for Science Advice Genna Reed Former Staff
Steve Moskowitz/UCS August 19, 2020 After Formal Request, EPA Gives Experts Limited Time to Apply for Advisory Committees Genna Reed Former Staff
EPA April 8, 2020 EPA Science Advisory Board’s Job Gets Harder—and More Important—By the Minute Genna Reed Former Staff
EPA October 2, 2018 The EPA Disbanded Its Office of Science Advisor. Here’s Why That Matters. Michael Halpern Former Contributor
October 31, 2017 Scott Pruitt's EPA Grant Ban Doesn't Apply to States or Tribes. Here's Why That's Interesting. Michael Halpern Former Contributor
Photo: Wikimedia October 31, 2017 Scott Pruitt Deals Yet Another Blow to Independent Science Advice at the EPA Genna Reed Former Staff
USDA June 9, 2017 Federal Science Advisory Boards Under Threat: Why Scientists Should Get Involved Andrew Rosenberg Former Contributor
December 1, 2014 EPA Relaxes the Leash on Independent Science Advisors Michael Halpern Former Contributor
August 15, 2014 Update: EPA Will Review Troublesome Communications Policy for Independent Science Advisory Board Michael Halpern Former Contributor
August 12, 2014 Is EPA Excessively Restricting Access to its Science Advisory Board Members? Andrew Rosenberg Former Contributor
April 22, 2013 The EPA and Science Advice: A Story of a Time When Congress Listened Michael Halpern Former Contributor