January 14, 2016 Virginia Coastal Protection Act: New UCS Analysis Highlights Opportunity for Carbon Revenue Jeremy Richardson Former Contributor
May 20, 2015 Sea Level Rise, National Security, and Hope for Bipartisan Action on Climate Change: Obama’s Commencement Speech Rob Cowin Former Contributor
May 15, 2015 What Does the Clean Power Plan Mean for Virginia? A Real Opportunity for Renewable Energy Jeremy Richardson Former Contributor
January 27, 2015 Three Reasons Why the Virginia Coastal Protection Act Is Smart Policy John Rogers Energy Campaign Analytic Lead
January 14, 2015 Virginia State of the Commonwealth: Powering Ahead with Renewable Energy Jeremy Richardson Former Contributor
October 27, 2014 The EPA Clean Power Plan: Virginia State Corporation Commission Gets it Wrong. Virginia Is on Track to Meet Its Goals. Rachel Cleetus Policy Director
October 27, 2014 Six Candidates, Three Debates, ZERO Arguments About Climate Science Aaron Huertas Former Contributor
July 28, 2014 How Virginia Can Meet and Exceed Its Targets under the EPA Power Plant Carbon Standard Rachel Cleetus Policy Director
May 20, 2014 Climate Change is Putting Iconic Historic Sites and National Parks at Growing Risk Adam Markham Former Staff
June 10, 2013 Military and Civilians Alike are Battling Sea Level Rise in Tidewater Virginia Adam Markham Former Staff
September 17, 2012 Breaking: Climate Change Scientist Michael Mann (and Scientific Inquiry) Win in Virginia FOIA Case Michael Halpern Former Contributor