Photo: Dave Herholz/Flickr November 28, 2018 Scientists Call Out EPA Over Ozone Pollution Standards Gretchen Goldman President of UCS
sharply_done/iStockphoto November 9, 2018 Can the EPA Protect Us from Ozone and Particulate Pollution Without Its Experts? What to Watch Gretchen Goldman President of UCS
Photo: Diliff/Wikimedia Commons October 11, 2018 Scientists Cut Out of EPA’s Particulate Pollution Standard Setting Gretchen Goldman President of UCS
April 4, 2018 Five (More) Pruitt Scandals That You Should Know About, But Probably Don’t Josh Goldman Former Contributor March 19, 2018 Automakers Turn to Climate Deniers in Quest to Lower Fuel Economy Regulations Dave Cooke Senior Vehicles Analyst
Photo: Quartl/CC BY-SA 3.0 (Wikimedia) February 26, 2018 A Poisonous Frog in the Barrow: Department of Justice Actions Undermine Public Health and Safety Andrew Rosenberg Former Contributor
December 6, 2017 Automakers’ Long List of Fights Against Progress, and Why We Must Demand Better Dave Cooke Senior Vehicles Analyst
Jeremy Rempel. CC-BY-ND 2.0 (Flickr) December 4, 2017 The EPA Knows Glider Trucks Are Dangerously Dirty: It’s Time to Keep Them Off the Road Dave Cooke Senior Vehicles Analyst
Jeremy Rempel. CC-BY-ND 2.0 (Flickr) November 1, 2017 Pruitt Seeks to Reopen Truck Pollution Loophole per Cronies’ Request Dave Cooke Senior Vehicles Analyst
Pittsburgh, 1947, on the left; Pittsburgh, 1974, on the right. Sources: EPA June 13, 2017 The EPA Budget Cuts Are A Direct Attack on Our Air, Water, and Health Brenda Ekwurzel Director of Scientific Excellence
June 9, 2017 Drowning in a Sea of Sufficient Ozone Research: An Open Letter to EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt Gretchen Goldman President of UCS
Photo: James Gathany, CDC May 9, 2017 5 Reasons Why the Regulatory Accountability Act is Bad for Science Yogin Kothari Former Contributor
Joseph-Nicolas Robert-Fleury, “Galileo before the Holy Office” (1847) January 6, 2017 The Inquisition Congress, Abetted by Trump, Has Begun Michael Halpern Former Contributor
USCapitol/Flickr January 3, 2017 Attacking Science in Week One: How Congress is Trying to Dismantle Public Protections Yogin Kothari Former Contributor
The world's largest fossil fuel companies have worked to deceive hte public about the realities and risks of climate change for decades. Photo: Steve Garvie December 12, 2016 Endangered Science: Why Global Warming Emissions Are Covered by the Clean Air Act Rachel Cleetus Policy Director
December 8, 2016 The First Three Reasons Senators Should Oppose Scott Pruitt for EPA Angela Anderson Former Contributor
Workers on a VW assembly line. Photo: iStock June 28, 2016 Volkswagen Reaches Agreement on Dieselgate, but Questions Remain Dave Cooke Senior Vehicles Analyst
Workers on a VW assembly line. Photo: iStock March 21, 2016 What We Need from Volkswagen, EPA, and California to Make Things Right Dave Cooke Senior Vehicles Analyst
October 13, 2015 Automaker Rankings Revisited—Does Volkswagen Now Have the “Dirtiest Tailpipe”? Dave Cooke Senior Vehicles Analyst
A disillusioned VW Bug sheds a tear upon hearing that its manufacturer showed such disregard for the environment. (Photo courtesy of David Preston) September 18, 2015 Volkswagen Caught Cheating—CA, EPA Asking For Vehicles To Be Recalled Dave Cooke Senior Vehicles Analyst
March 17, 2015 Five Reasons the Ozone Standard Should Be Strengthened Gretchen Goldman President of UCS
June 4, 2014 EPA’s Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee Comes to Agreement on Ozone Standard Recommendation Gretchen Goldman President of UCS